耶和华见证人(相信世界末日在即,只有其信徒才能免受惩罚) a member of a religious organization based on Christianity, which believes that the end of the world is near and that only its members will be saved from being damned
耶和华见证人(接受基督教的某些观点,相信世界末日在即的教派的成员) A Jehovah's Witness is a member of a religious organization which accepts some Christian ideas and believes that the world is going to end very soon.
I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness. 我生下来就是一名耶和华见证人。
The car crash victim, who was a jehovah's witness, refused to have a blood transfusion because I twent against her faith. 车祸的受害人是一个耶和华见证人,她拒绝接受输血,因为这违背她的信仰。
So I never became a Jehovah's Witness. 因此,我退出了耶和华见证人。
It was Katherine, a devout Jehovah's Witness, who first spotted the potential of her boys, and especially the young Michael. 凯瑟琳作为一名虔诚的耶和华见证会教徒,第一个发现了她的孩子们的潜力,尤其是年幼的迈克尔。